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The island of Sikinos is one of the hidden jewels of the Cyclades. It is an island of immense beauty, charm and magic, and provides the perfect destination for your holidays in the Greek islands.

Sikinos is an island that has the typical Cycladic appearance - whitewashed houses with colourful gardens and flowers, surrounded by a setting of mountain and sea.

The capital town os Sikinos is Chora ( Hora ), which is situated 3.5km from the port. Chora was built on the edge of a cliff overlooking the coast, and from here you can enjoy some magnificent panoramic views stretching out over the blue waters of the Aegean Sea.

The location of Chora has historic significance. During the old days, the town provided the villagers with the perfect lookout post to watch for pirate ships approaching.

When such raids took place, the inhabitants of the town sheltered in the monastery of Zoodohou Pigis.

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Sikinos is very rich in terms of wild beauty and the adverturous landscape makes the island one that is perfect for those who enjoy trekking and exploring.

Sikinos provides an excellent holiday destination for those who would like to avoid the noise and crowds of some of the other more busier islands in the Cyclades.

For those interested in the history and traditions of the island, there are some very interesting places that are well worth visiting. Situated just outside of the area of Espiskopi are the ruins of an ancient settlement. Also worth visiting is the Cape of Malta, where you can see the collections of ancient ruins that are found here.

The Folklore Museum of Sikinos has a wonderful selection of objects and artifacts on display. Another popular place to visit is the old olive press building, where you can see how the production of olives were carried out in the old days.

There are some very nice beaches found all around the island. One of the most popular is the lovely sandy beach that is located close to the port of Alopronia. It is here in this picturesque town that you will find "Ostria Studios".

Some of the other beaches that are worth visiting include Dialiskari, Agios Panteleimonas and Agios Georgios. Here you can enjoy swimming and relaxation surrounded by the charming scenery and tranquility.

Sikinos is truly a very special and magical island that has much to offer visitors. It is an island where one can experience a traditional Greek island holiday, and enjoy and appreciate the simplicity and natural beauty that one can find on every corner.


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